We’ve covered a lot of ground in the Bootcamp. Here’s how you can bring it all together to make a difference in your system or community:
Systems change work involves much more than can be conveyed in a short online bootcamp. Need help navigating all the nuances and complexities as you seek to change your system? We’d be happy to talk.
If you take away one thing from the Bootcamp, we hope it’s that when you start with people, you get new possibilities. Systems change is about far more than identifying problems and creating programs. So in your change efforts, commit to:
Transformation is a journey and doesn’t happen overnight. We recommend starting by identifying current pain points and/or change efforts that are already underway. Then, when you’re already revamping structures or processes, you can use the five domains of wellbeing and tradeoffs analysis as approaches to help you deliver better outcomes for the change effort you’re already working on — this will make wellbeing feel integrated into the work and build buy-in. Ultimately, by demonstrating success in a first initiative, you’ll create momentum and build toward larger transformation.
So where do you start? Identify an opportunity with the potential for big ripple effects, such as a key pain point that many people deeply want to change; an area facing significant external pressure or accountability for change; or a structure or process that is a top strategic priority for the organization.
Once you’ve identified a change effort to focus on, use the ideas from the Bootcamp to guide your work, such as:
We hope this Bootcamp has been a great way to jumpstart your systems change efforts! If you’re looking for assistance moving your efforts forward, drop us a line and we’d love to explore how FFI might be able to help.
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