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A New Vision for Housing Justice: Housing, Wellbeing & Racial Equity

The Wellbeing Blueprint hosted a discussion with service providers, organizers and people with lived expertise that explored the root causes of homelessness and real solutions that advance housing as a human right.


This event was part of a two-part series on Housing Justice, watch the recording from our second event about Advancing Housing as a Human Right.

Watch the recording

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Meet the Speakers

Cashauna Hill
Executive Director, Louisiana Fair Housing Action Center

Cashauna Hill has served as Executive Director of the Louisiana Fair Housing Action Center (formerly the Greater New Orleans Fair Housing Action Center) since 2015. Cashauna leads a team working to end discriminatory housing policies and practices through litigation and policy advocacy, along with providing fair housing trainings and foreclosure prevention counseling.

She has been interviewed by CNN, NPR, and countless other national and local media outlets. Additionally, Cashauna has written extensively about housing segregation and civil rights, and has testified before the United States Congress as a fair housing expert.

In 2017, she was the inaugural recipient of the Tulane Law School Public Interest Law Foundation’s Practitioner Service Award. Cashauna is a graduate of Spelman College and Tulane Law School.

Medina Kurney
Associate Director of Culturally Specific Reentry Programs, Central City Concern

Medina Kurney is the Associate Director of Culturally Specific Reentry programs at Central City Concern, where she oversees programs that incorporate group customs, history and social practices to support BIPOC clients who have recently been released from prison. Medina brings over 18 years of supportive housing experience to support Central City Concern’s mission to help people find home, regain health and move toward long-term stability and success.

Tristia Bauman
Senior Attorney, National Homelessness Law Center

Tristia Bauman combines litigation, legal education, and legislative advocacy strategies to prevent and end homelessness. Her work focuses on combating the criminalization of homelessness and advocating for laws that protect the civil and human rights of homeless people. Tristia also conducts legal trainings around the country, writes reports and other publications related to housing, and serves as a legal resource for homeless advocates.

“As the daughter of a disabled father and an immigrant mother, I grew up poor and I know well the barriers to success imposed by poverty. I became a public interest attorney to break down those barriers and to provide every person – people just like me – with the chance to thrive.” Tristia began her law career at Legal Services of Greater Miami, Inc. as a housing attorney working with low-income tenants in federally subsidized housing. She later served for several years as an Assistant Public Defender in Miami-Dade County.

Tristia hails from Auckland, New Zealand but was raised in Washington State where she attended the University of Washington as an undergraduate and law student. She received her B.A. in Anthropology in 2000 and her J.D. in 2006.

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