How effectively is your organization centering community? Use this tool with the Community Bill of Rights to guide conversations around what is or isn't being done to center community in your organization.
The Centering Community Organizational Self-Assessment is designed to help leaders in government, nonprofits and philanthropy evaluate what is or isn’t being done to center community.
The Assessment includes ratings for statements such as:
There are no right or wrong answers. The tool is meant to start the conversation about what can be done to avoid harm and engage more meaningfully with communities.
In addition, we have provided a Community Member Survey. The survey helps to support a conversation among everyone that is collaborating to gauge where there is agreement and where there might be a disconnect between organizational and community perspectives.
This resource was created in partnership with community leaders who coauthored the Community Bill of Rights.
What would it look like to transform the civil legal system so it eliminates inequities instead of amplifying them? The Justice Determinants of Wellbeing outlines concrete changes that will push the civil legal system to a civic justice system rooted in wellbeing.
Use this resource to guide your understanding of how wellbeing design principles can be applied to procurement. This resource was developed with input from the Wellbeing Procurement Learning Group formed of professionals in procurement from across the country.
Assess your progress in implementing wellbeing design principles and get an idea of where to go next in your efforts to create equitable access to wellbeing.