What would it look like to transform the civil legal system so it eliminates inequities instead of amplifying them? The Justice Determinants of Wellbeing outlines concrete changes that will push the civil legal system to a civic justice system rooted in wellbeing.
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Written by Sandra Ambrozy, Senior Fellow at the Full Frame Initiative, this resource outlines concrete changes that will change the landscape of our legal system, along with concrete examples of the many ways the Wellbeing Design Principles are being used by the civil justice system and social sectors to advance wellbeing.
In early 2024, FFI Senior Fellow Phyllis Becker was joined by Henry A.J. Ramos and Gladys Carrión, two leaders who are transforming both the narratives that shape perceptions of crime and the systemic responses. Tune into their conversation as they shift the narrative on youth justice to highlight solutions that center wellbeing.
FFI Senior Fellow Phyllis Becker contributes as co-author in a recent position paper from the Council for Juvenile Justice Administrators about how to apply to a wellbeing framework to juvenile justice.
FFI Senior Fellow Phyllis Becker, and Henry A. J. Ramos of The New School Institute on Race, Power and Political Economy explore how centering youth, families and communities creates more sustainable responses to crime.