The ability to cast a ballot affects every aspect of individual and community wellbeing – but not everyone has access. Some laws disproportionately impact Black and brown voters, as well as students, voters with disabilities and formerly incarcerated people.
Watch the recording of the conversation with Wellbeing Blueprint signer June Holley who has been weaving networks, helping others weave networks and writing about networks for over 40 years.
Watch the recording with the Wellbeing Blueprint and Laura Van Zandt, the executive director of REACH Beyond Domestic Violence in Massachusetts, around how systems can better support the wellbeing of survivors and actions anyone can take to prevent and disrupt domestic violence.
Watch the recording with the Wellbeing Blueprint and Alex Schneider, senior manager on the Youth Justice Initiatives team at Columbia University’s Justice Lab, to discuss his vision for the future of youth justice and meaningful actions anyone can take to push for real transformation.
Watch the recording with Wellbeing Blueprint signer, Tamara Bauman, housing advocate with Solid Ground in Seattle, WA for a discussion about innovations in the housing justice movement, centering community in housing policy and actions anyone can take to advance housing as a human right.
Rethink how you engage with others and center wellbeing with this kit designed for organizations and individuals who are interested in revamping intakes, assessment and engagement processes.
This playbook outlines a structured process for identifying harmful effects of a given policy and adjusting the policy to make it more equitable.
This tool provides a list of questions to consider when collecting program data and analyzing indicators of survivor success.
This discussion guide provides questions and discussion points for each of the six principles of the Wellbeing Blueprint, our roadmap for building a country where everyone has a fair shot at wellbeing.
Read the case study about the Bullet Related Injury Clinic (BRIC), a community-based clinic in St. Louis providing care for people with bullet related injuries after being discharged from the emergency department.
Read the case study about Springboard to Opportunities which launched the Magnolia Mother’s Trust to provide $1,000 cash, monthly, to low-income, Black mothers living in subsidized housing — no strings attached.
Not all 911 calls require a police response. Denver’s STAR program is changing the way people experiencing homelessness, mental health concerns and poverty interact with the emergency care system by moving case workers out of the periphery and into the community.