Infrastructure investments aren’t neutral. Imagine a future where people’s wellbeing is the starting place for how decisions are made about what, where, when and even whether we build. Our new tool is a step towards that future.
We participated in an important conversation that explored how investing in the built environment can be used as a lever for decriminalizing mental illness, increasing public safety, enhancing civic participation, addressing inequities and improving public health
Patrick McNeal of the North Flint Neighborhood Action Council outlines the harms wrought by infrastructure projects on communities of color – and how we can begin to heal by building wellbeing into our environments moving forward.
Are you interested in taking your systems change work to the next level? Join our Wellbeing Design Challenge to practice designing projects, initiatives and policy recommendations that create equitable access to wellbeing.
Watch the recording of our conversation with Wellbeing Blueprint signer the Right Question Institute, who is working to build a more just and equitable democracy.
Learn how to design procurement to focus on equitable access to wellbeing so that you can direct funds to bidders who are doing transformational work.
How effectively is your organization centering community? Use this tool with the Community Bill of Rights to guide conversations around what is or isn't being done to center community in your organization.
Watch the recording with the Wellbeing Blueprint with Karen Spiller and Curtis Ogden to explore the connections between racial equity, wellbeing and food systems.
How does inequity show up in our food systems? We explore this topic through the lens of the Five Domains of Wellbeing.
In 2022, FFI was thrilled to bring together more than 100 leaders who are turning a fair shot at wellbeing into a reality at the inaugural Wellbeing Summit. Our charge? To learn from one another and design solutions for tackling some of our country’s largest challenges, together.
Learn from leaders who are advancing new narratives about violence for a conversation on how the stories we tell can lead to accountability, healing and prevention. People with lived expertise share the impact of public safety reporting on narratives and call for shifting power from media and institutions to survivors and impacted communities.
Learn how Seattle-King County is shifting the paradigm of the homeless response system by adopting a wellbeing approach.